Today is January 19, 2025 /

Main Office: 215-635-3110

Find Us: 211 West Butler Avenue, Ambler, PA 19002 (@ Darchei Noam campus)


Shabbat Services

Shabbat services are relaxing, no-pressure occasions to connect with other congregants and with God. With rare exceptions, we have weekly Friday night and Saturday morning services.

Saturday morning services, with the exception of a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, feature stimulating discussions of the week’s Torah or Haftarah portion. We may delve deeper into a reading that has moved us. At times, we focus on specific prayers, perhaps the call to worship and what that means, or the definition of community and being called to worship. Congregants are encouraged to work with the our spiritual leaders to prepare and deliver a dvar Torah – their own interpretation of verses or narratives they find personally relevant – at Shabbat services.