Today is February 8, 2025 /

Main Office: 215-635-3110

Find Us: 1434 Academy Lane, Elkins Park, PA 19027



The committees and groups described here offer a variety of opportunities to become actively involved in synagogue life. Some of these are social groups, others are charged with critical functions that keep Congregation Kol Ami running smoothly, and still others are responsible for developing programming and activities. While some were created when Congregation Kol Ami opened its doors, others are the brainchild of members who simply saw a need. Members are welcome to join any committee in which they have an interest. If you have questions or are interested in talking to someone about becoming involved, send inquiries to

Art & Design Committee

The role of the Art & Design Committee is to define the aesthetic goals of the congregation and presents design options consistent with those goals. The committee monitors “The Gallery at Kol Ami” a six or eight week rotation of art by regional artists to grace our lobby walls, supervises installations, scheduling and show openings.

Caring Congregants Committee

Caring Congregants reaches out to members in times of celebration, sympathy, life cycle events and transitions (births, birthdays, engagements, weddings, hospitalizations, death or extraordinary need) and develops activities to sustain this important outreach. The program provides a consistent means for members to recognize, respond, and provide companionship to one another during important times in each other’s lives.


Enjoy singing?  Both Adult and Student choirs meet every Sunday for rehearsals, and each choir sings at Shabbat services once a month.  There are also opportunities to sing with other local choirs at community events.  Our Student choir is for children in grades 2 through 6.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee monitors the financial position of the synagogue. Included in this process is evaluation of financial statements, creation of the annual budget, monitoring performance versus budget, cost control, analysis of dues structure, insurance matters, analysis of the fund accounts, and the creation of strategic partnerships.

Fund Development

The Fund Development Committee works to create a culture of giving in Kol Ami and creates coherence and strategy for the Congregation’s fund raising efforts.  The committee provides leadership for specific events.

Inclusion Committee – LGBTQ Initiative

This committee aims to create and organize a fully LGBTQ inclusive safe space both inside and outside of our walls. We strive to support all people and their identities and welcome any Jewish LGBTQ community member to be a part of the unique experiences at Congregation Kol Ami.

Inclusion Committee – Special Needs

This committee evaluates, develops and recommends to the Board of Trustees policies and procedures concerning the inclusion and participation of all people, regardless of physical, cognitive, emotional or behavioral ability, in all areas of Congregation Kol Ami religious and communal life.

Interfaith Relationship Dialogue (IRD)

IRD group provides an inclusive and open environment in meetings with the rabbi to discuss challenges unique to interfaith relationships; provides programming to educate and address interfaith issues; and welcomes new interfaith couples/families to the congregation.

Israel Connection Committee

The express purpose of this committee is to bring a series of programs focused on Israel-related topics of interest to our congregation.

Ladies of a Certain Age (LOCA)

Ladies of a Certain Age provides opportunities for women 50ish and older to spend time together and build relationships. Activities include cultural outings in and around Philadelphia, and lots of opportunities to schmooze at food-centered events such as themed potluck dinners and Shabbat dinners.

Operations Committee

Operations develops and implements policies and procedures for operating the facility.  With principal focus on our building, its maintenance and improvement, the committee works with the Executive Director to maintain the consistent, low risk and efficient operations of all facets of synagogue life and ensure Kol Ami is a well-run congregation.

Religious School Committee

This committee collaborates with our Rabbi and Director of Education, to guide the development of grade-level programs, on-going dialogues between parents and the committee, supports the Youth Groups, Family Education programs, and proposes policies for the governance and operation of our school

Shomrei Adamah (Environmental Stewardship) Committee

Shomrei Adamah develops and provides educational, action and advocacy programs on sustainability issues and topics, in liaison with other standing committees and in coalition with the Jewish Climate Change Campaign and other Jewish originations.  This committee provides policy recommendations and promotes efficient, economic and sustainable practices to our Board of Trustees.


As a member of the Delaware Valley Synagogue Softball League, our team offers male and female members an opportunity to have a fun and competitive summer.  The league requires players to be at least eighteen years of age.

Social Action Committee

In the spirit of Tikun Olam, the committee organizes meaningful activities to address the needs of our surrounding community.  Through direct service, advocacy, and action, the focus is on minimizing food insecurity and homelessness; improving the environment, mentoring and resource sharing.

Worship Enhancement Committee

The Worship Enhancement Committee develops recommendations for our worship needs within the limits of our by-laws and in conjunction with the Rabbi’s guidance.  This committee is accountable for the ongoing development and quality of the worship experience for Shabbat, High Holy Days, healing/youth/Havdalah, and other holiday services.  This includes music/choirs, integration of our prayer books, Mishkan T’filah and Mishkan Hanefesh, exploring innovative service options for “specialty services”, ushering provisions, and attracting more congregants to worship.