Today is February 10, 2025 /

Main Office: 215-635-3110

Find Us: 1434 Academy Lane, Elkins Park, PA 19027


Services & Prayer

Join Us

We love coming to services at Congregation Kol Ami. They are warm, personal and highly participatory. Led by lay leaders and the cantorial soloist, our services create space for each worshipper to engage in the liturgy and find peace and meaning in the prayers.

Join In

We cherish the involvement of congregants in our services and creates ongoing opportunities for increased participation.  A highlight for us is when a young adult or adult member celebrates the anniversary of his or her B’nai Mitzvah by once again being called to the Torah to read or chant. On the first Shabbat of each month, congregants celebrating a birthday or anniversary are invited up to the bimah to be blessed under the tallit.

Mishkan T’filah

We use Mishkan T’filah, the newest prayer book of the Reform Movement, which was published in 2007. In this egalitarian prayer book, the English is more faithful to the Hebrew. Its clear format – Hebrew, transliteration and English on the right; associated readings, quotations and poems on the left – allows for more individual interpretation of prayer. Through its innovative format, and at the urging of the rabbi, Mishkan T’filah allows each of us to explore, without feeling bound to keep up with the congregation.

We sing or read key prayers in Hebrew, and enrich the experience with an array of English readings, striking a balance that we believe makes worship and prayer more accessible.


Kippot and talitot (prayer shawls) are available outside the sanctuary; however, they are not required.

Healing Service

Our tradition offers moving and powerful prayers for healing. There are times when we feel the urge to be together to say the Mi’Shehberach (“May the Holy One who blesses….”) prayer for a loved one in a hospital, recovering at home or in hospice care. About three times a year, we join together for a Healing Service. Anyone who wishes to offer prayers for family, friends or him- or herself is welcome.

Jewish Learning

We offer a range of classes surrounding worship. Some focus on the basics – helping members unfamiliar with the service to feel more at home – while others delve into topical subjects, intended to lend historical, philosophical or Judaic context to modern experience.

Worship Enhancement Committee

Our Worship Enhancement Committee, with its open membership, enables all of our congregants to have a voice in shaping worship at Kol Ami and in helping to make weekly worship a choice more congregants make more often. We truly welcome new ideas and are always looking for ways to make worship more meaningful.